Spiritual Blue Butterfly

Why the name

I sat and thought about what to call my website and group on facebook for ages and then asked my spirit team for some help x

Blue is my favourite colour 💙 and also was my Nan's too and when I asked a few friends about the name that popped into my head, they all said " that's my favourite colour" below is some further information  why I chose the name 🦋

Butterflies are beautiful and have mystery, symbolism, and meaning and are a metaphor representing spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, hope, and life. The magnificent  butterfly  closely mirrors the process of spiritual transformation.

The colour blue represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence.


AIrdrie Butterfly Spiritual and WellBeing Centre 

We work as a group to allow others to grow into the amazing butterflies that they can be x